We are pleased to announce the opening ceremony for the River Cree will be taking place on Wednesday the 1st of March 2023 starting at 0930hours.
The event will be held at the Belted Galloway Visitors Centre, Riverside Road, Newton Stewart, DG8 6NQ.
There will be complimentary Tea, Coffee and Biscuits from this time within the visitors centre where we will be hosting an informal reception prior to the opening ceremony starting.
The ceremony itself will take place from approximately 1015hours, where a piper will lead the procession to the river bank.
Our Cllr Jackie McCamon will thereafter toast the river with the first cast being taken by a long standing Association member, Robin Emerson.
The River Cree Hatchery and Habitat Trust will be presenting the trophy for the first Salmon caught in season 2022.
Also on offer, a loyal association supporter, Sue from Damsel Fly Fishing will be on hand, offering free advice to assist with any casting needs you may have!
NSDAA controlled water on the river will be open to fish, free of charge, for the day – anglers wishing to take up this offer require to register prior to the ceremony starting within the visitors centre.
We are also offering visits to the Hatchery, allowing you to see the fantastic work that happens within he hatchery building itself. More information on how this will be facilitated will be given on the day.
The Galloway Angling Centre will also be in attendance on the day, with a range of stock from his shop with some special offers on for the event – if you are needing some equipment for the new season, come and see Duncan, have a chat and see if he can help you out.
Finally, we are holding a raffle at the event, with proceeds going towards club funds, donations for the raffle are welcome, either to any committee member, or brought on the day.
We hope to see you all there!